lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Your WE variety

You're reaching the end of your student's life and you have to start thinkg about your future career. You'll probably become teachers at some point, so a good question to ask ourselves is: what WE variety will I teach and why?

14 comentarios:

  1. Well, although we have learned that we ought to consider all English varieties, if I had to choose one variety I would choose British English and Irish, because children in the future would have an advantage (as we can freely move within the European Union) to find a job. Let's not forget that obtaining a visa for the United States, Canada or Australia is a very difficult process. Let's also remember the proximity and economical factors, because millions of these tourists have spent a lot of money in the Canary islands (it is sad but true, but POWER is also language). Indeed there are historical and geographical reasons between the Canary Islands and British culture. Let's also remember that it is more probable, within the context of the European Union, that there might be an exchange of students, teachers, professors or even research.

    Some people might say that we live in a "digital age", whereby physical boundaries are lost, but to me this is "the icing on the cake". We must prioritise and establish a hierarchy of factors. I place the three factors of being in the European Union (political), geographical distance and economy (tourism and trade with the British Isles) before the influence from the internet or books and films coming from other English speaking countries. Let's not forget that students cannot solely learn by watching films.

    I would also emphasise another matter. It would be very important to me to know how much these other cultures value us, i.e. to go to each country and ask them: " DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE CANARY ISLANDS ARE?". This is so, because I understand this choice is a reciprocal relationship. If the "other" culture does not even know you, one risks falling into a situation of submission or manipulation.

  2. An interesting opinion with a detailed account of your supporting arguments. I was just wondering wy reciprocity has such a strong weight in your choice.

  3. Well, I mentioned reciprocity because if one has to make any given decision in any direction (i.e. to single out an English variety and leave the rest aside), this reciprocity will guarantee a continous flow in the long term; in other words, both sides will reap the benefits and the efforts will not be wasted.

  4. That's interesting in terms of official academic exchanges, for example Erasmus program, but I'm not so sure it counts in everyday life.

  5. Hello everyone! I think if I became an English teacher in the future I think I would teach British English mainly,because all English varieties depend on it and you can communicate speaking British English anywhere. But at the same time I believe that American English is very important nowadays too, especially for young people, who are exposed to music, movies, series,etc, listening AmE. So, I would give importance to teach AmE too.
    Finally, if I had advanced students, it would be interesting to study more WE varieties briefly, maybe other 3 or 4 different varieties, and students will not have a fixed idea of English language.

  6. Hi! I think that If I become an English teacher ina fture I would teach British English because it is the most common variety. All students are familiar with it and they have been learning since they were a child. However, I would also try to explain American English because they are also familiar with this variety through music, films, some sports and so on.
    finally, I think that i would also try to dedicate a unit or some activities in which they can work on some different English varieties. The idea is that they achieve some notions about difference vaieties og English speaking around the world.

  7. Well, if I become a teacher at some point of my life, I´ll probably teach American English as a variety of British English, because it is the most common language used and also they are the two languages which students are familiar with. However, I would like to teach other varieties which are not so common for students, such as Indian or Philipinne English, because in this way pupils can appreciate different forms of the English language.

  8. I consider all the WE varieties important, but if I have to choose one, I would prefer the British English variety because it is the one that I have studied since I was a child. However, I would like to use other varieties such as the American English or the Australian English in a “special week”, for example. Nevertheless, if the level of the students is not the most suitable for carrying an activity like this, I would not assess it.

  9. My aim is to be a teacher in the future. I have worked as English teachers with children in particular lessons and I always have taught them the British variety. Mainly because it is the most used in the text books and, also because it is the most taught at the schools. Moreover, before having studied the different English varieties, I have never asked myself: what variety am I going to teach? What it means that, while the period of time I was teaching English I only give them instructions so as to be able to understand as many sentences or as many clauses in English as possible, without taking into account the variety. On the other hand, just in that moment when I have studied the different varieties I think that the British variety is still the one I would choose in the future because is the base of all the varieties, as something like “ the mother” of all of them. However, in case I have to choose between the others, I would choose the American variety because, from my point of view, it is obtaining more a more importance every day and, who knows if someday it will be the most important.

  10. If I became teacher, I would teach the British variety because I know that all varieties are important but this is the more frequent and it is the one who appears most in the textbooks. Also, I think that it would be difficult if I taught a lot of different varieties, learners would be lost and they wouldn’t understand anything. So, it’s better to teach one English variety, such as British, and that they understand everything without having any doubts, and then you can change to another variety. For example some vocabulary from American English and to compare with British, or how different is its grammar. The same would happen with another variety, but also, as I said before, taking into account that learners don’t have any problem with the familiar variety.

  11. I would teach British English and American English too.
    British English because it is the most taught in Spain and I have studied it since I am living here. On the other hand, I consider that American English is going to be important too because, firstly, American English is used when people watch movies, series or listen music; and secondly, because if I return to my country in the future, American English will be necessary because it is the most used there.
    I think that these two varieties of English are important because they are the most used around the world.

  12. I think that the choice of one variety or another depends on which variety you were taught in. The problem arises when you don't even know the English variety your teachers have used in the past. Are you really aware of that? And, were they really aware of the differences? Apart from showing students a chart with differences regarding vocabulary, I don't remember having received any other information about World Englishes.

    To be honest, I prefer British English. Not because it is more or less important, as I consider that to be a mere matter of opinion; it is just because I like how it sounds. However, accepting British English as better than the rest would imply that the Spanish spoken in the mainland is better than ours.

    Do we really have to choose? Why not teaching simply English? What's the problem in saying “movies” or “films”, if I know they belong to different varieties? Would communication be broken if I say one or another regardless of the location? In my private lessons I teach just English and let my students choose the words or expressions they prefer when speaking and encourage them to distinguish which belongs to which. I think the best solution is letting them choose but above all making them able to communicate.

  13. I think I'll teache American English. Eventhought British English is considered the standard, American English is everywhere (music, series, movies...). That's why I'll choose the American variety. People normally understand more the American English than the British one, so it will be easier.

  14. I would teach British English as a teacher, because althouhg I do not think that one variety is better than other, I think that is the standard and the "original" one. However, I would also take into account other varieties through activities, listenings, etc. At least that students know that they exist and they are also correct.

    Although I think that I would teach British English, American English should be also taught with special relevance as it is the "predominant" one all over the world.
